Emails That ACTUALLY Sell (Over and Over Again)!

I turn your existing, hard-earned Email list into multi-time buyers. Double your business with emails that nurture and turn your audience into avid fans for life

Tired Of Wasted Marketing efforts?

Many brands struggle to effectively utilise their email lists, resulting in missed opportunities for sales and customer engagement. Their current email marketing efforts often fail to resonate with their audience, leading to poor sales performance and low customer retention.

You're Already Sitting On A Goldmine With Your EXISTING CUSTOMER List...

Transform your email list into a high-performance sales asset that consistently sells your best products to your ideal audience. Through expertly crafted nurturing automations and attention-grabbing emails, I help you establish a deep connection with your customers, turning them into loyal fans and repeat buyers.

A Proven, Repeatable Process Designed For Your Brands Needs.

Hi, I'm Matty!In 2023 alone I helped to produce over $4.2 Million in sales for my clients through my Email and SMS marketing efforts.I use a proven blend of direct-response marketing principles to help your prospects and customers (current & past) to fall in love with your brand and products - enabling them to then spread the word about your offerings.This service is ideal for brands that already have an email list but are not seeing the desired return on their email marketing investments.

FREE Download:
3 Ways to Find Untapped Money In Your Email List… And How To Get Your Hands On It!

There are 3 big mistakes most brands make when it comes to emailing their customers that causes them to leave SO MUCH DAMN MONEY ON THE TABLE.In this FREE DOWNLOAD, I'm going to show you each mistake and the exact steps to take to improve them and potentially help add an extra 6 to 7 figures to your bottom line.

© Matthias Turner Copywriting. All rights reserved.